To be responsible for and oversee the financial activities of East Grinstead Choral Society and ensure they are legal and constitutional. Ensure proper records are kept and effective financial procedures are in place. Monitor and report on the financial health of choir.
Job description
- Attend all meetings of the Trustees
- Record all financial transactions and reconcile these to the EGCS bank account
- Monitor bank account activity to ensure sufficient funds in current account to meet any outgoings and surplus funds transferred to the deposit account
- Oversee production of necessary financial reports/returns, accounts and audits
- Act as main contact with EGCS’s bank and other electronic payment methods
- Act as main contact with HMRC and submit regular Gift Aid reclaims
- Responsible for account for electronic card readers and their maintenance
- Liaise with membership secretary on membership receipts
- Liaise with MD for payment of professional musicians’ fees
- Liaise and advise Trustees and MD on financial matters, as required
Key skills
- Numerate
- Familiar with basic bookkeeping spreadsheets
- Familiarity with on-line banking and other financial systems
- Well organised
Reports to